It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Albert Einstein

Friday, July 27, 2012

Grammar Goes on Vacation

Part One - Plurals vs. Possessives 

I was recently on vacation with my husband's family.
While there, I found several cringe-worthy grammar mistakes.  Here's one of them.

I stopped at a restaurant which happens to have my husband's name in the title in order to pick up a t-shirt.  While there in the sale basket, I picked up a shirt for myself with a local from the adjoining sports bar.
The eternal optimist, I like to tell myself it was in the sale basket because of the mistake.

It said, "Just Georges."

Here's my illustration of that phrase:
(Bonus points if you know who all of these guys are.)

So what's the big deal?

The way that the t-shirt was written uses Georges as a plural (there is more than one George).

The name of the bar is meant to show possession (the bar belongs to George; it is George's).

More on possessives and plurals later.

Thankfully on the other shirts and the bar's actual logo the error has been fixed.
Do you think whoever okayed the design with the error got canned?

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