It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Albert Einstein

Monday, March 25, 2013

There will be bad days.

Every bad day has an end.

Word of the Week

This week's awesome word is FRIVOLOUS.

frivolous adj. Not worth serious attention; silly, trivial, not important, inconsequential.

This would be much better than dumb or stupid (yuck!).

The students all felt like the homework was frivolous since it wouldn't be covered on the upcoming test.

Isn't that better?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Word of the Week!

This week's awesome word is ALLEGE.

allege verb To state something is positively true; to accuse a person of doing something wrong without showing proof.

This could be a replacement for said (yuck!).

After the food fight in the cafeteria, the teacher asked Mary is she could allege Bob had thrown the first pea.

All the other students alleged he had done it.

Allegedly can also be used as an adjective.  It means what supposedly happened.

He allegedly started the food fight because he was still upset about an argument they'd had in social studies.

And if referring to a person who has been accused of something, alleged can be an adverb.

He is the alleged pea thrower.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Word of the Week!

This week's awesome word is ABUNDANT.

abundant adj. Present in large quantities, plentiful or bountiful (amount of something).

Try using it instead of a lot (yuck!).

Mrs. Poporad has an abundant selection of books that she'll let her students borrow.

You can also change it to a noun: abundance.

There are an abundance of tardy students on days when it snows.